Wednesday, October 30, 2013

4 Types of Acids in Wine

Titrable acidity is the method of measuring the amount of the acid content in wine. Acidity is measured by pH with most wines showing a pH of 2.9 to 3.9

Acidity in wine making measures the sourness of the wine relative to the sweet taste  and to the amount of tannins it contains.

There are 4 types of acids in wine that influences its taste and color:

1. Tartaric acid

Tartaric acid  helps make the chemical content of the wine stable under changing conditions. It has a significant influence on wine color, taste and distinct flavor. This same acid is also present in tamarind, bananas and grapes. It imparts the sour taste to wine in combination with other types of acids. The level of acidity of tartaric acid does not vary a lot as the berries mature.

2. Malic acid

Malic acid is another important acid that imparts sour taste to wine. It is present in all types of berries and fruits but is historically associated with green apples. The level of acidity of malic acid varies a lot as the berries mature and ripen.

3. Lactic acid is responsible for giving wine a smoother flavor due to its ability to reduce the acidity of wines.

4. Citric acid gives wine an acidic flavor, it complements another acid present in the wine and removes the iron taste from the wine.